Judge lets violent thug, 31, take off his electronic tag so he can fly to Cancun for luxury family holiday
Get the full story here: Mail Online, 24 January 2017, link.
A judge has sparked a row over soft justice by lifting a curfew imposed on a violent thug so he can go on holiday to Mexico.
Barry Hunt, of Hitchin, Hertfordshire, was first convicted over violence in 2015 – but avoided jail on a suspended sentence.
When the 31-year-old was brought back before court for affray, he was again spared prison and ordered to wear an electronic tag to monitor a curfew.
But judge Rajeev Shetty provoked anger by lifting the curfew so that Hunt could go on a holiday he had booked in Cancun, Mexico. […]
Campaigner Peter Cuthbertson, director of The Centre for Crime Prevention, told The Sun‘s Tom Wells: ‘There’s a simple answer if people don’t want the criminal justice system to interfere with their holiday – don’t commit crime.’
Get the full story here: Mail Online, 24 January 2017, link.